.::Rezerwa 126p::.

International conversations - 126 rear spoiler?

dagleykd - 2016-12-20, 14:59
Temat postu: 126 rear spoiler?
Hi all! Curious if these spoilers from the '80s are hard to find and whether they fit on the later 126 ELX? I quite like them and was thinking about getting one for my 126 when I import it to Canada! :)

grzesiol - 2016-12-20, 20:13

They are sometime for sale on aftermarket ( on our forum, allegro.pl, olx.pl, sometime even on local scrap yards ). I think, this this is p&p to ELX model.
dagleykd - 2016-12-23, 19:10

Cool, I will have to keep my eyes open! :D

Do they just mount to the cooling vents somehow?

klink - 2017-04-05, 16:29

It looks to me they are clipped.

I've seen a few recently on allegro. Might be hard to come with very clean ones (as plastic degrades over time) and people might have some not bothering to advertise them. You could ask people that have a big amount of used parts, they might have that on the side.

romek - 2017-04-06, 13:26

This is normal avaliable on polish OLX:




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