.::Rezerwa 126p::.

International conversations - 10th National Meeting of Fiat126p in Lodz, POLAND

m.a.x.x. - 2013-07-11, 11:36
Temat postu: 10th National Meeting of Fiat126p in Lodz, POLAND
10th National Meeting of Fiat126p in Lodz
15-18 august 2013, Lodz, Poland

On behalf of the Terytorium126p – Polish Fiat 126p Club – we would like to invite you to the 10th Fiat126p National Meeting in Lodz, Poland on 15-18 august 2013r.

Thirteen years after the last Fiat drove off the production line, this year marks exactly the 40th anniversary of Fiat 126p production launch in 1973 and 10th anniversary of our club and the tradition of fiat126p owners meeting in Poland. This is a great opportunity to spend some quality time together and show that Fiat126p is still in fashion!

We have prepared many activities for the meeting including races and competitions for Fiat owners, as well as an exhibition in the Manufaktura Shopping Centre. We would be very happy to welcome visitors from outside of Poland!

We expect the biggest Polish Fiat’s Clubs to appear. We expect >200 cars. After those forty years of Fiat126p on roads it will be a massive meeting.

Clip form 9th meeting - http://youtu.be/QYpS1Pma69k
Official website http://10zlot.terytorium126p.pl/en/
In case of question pleas contact maxx@terytorium126p.pl.
Event on FB

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